Current Norway Address

Mailing Address in Norway:

Eldste Easton Egan
Pilestredent Park 34 #99
0176 Oslo

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

June 25, 2019


This will be my last group email of my mission.  Crazy how fast time is going. I will return the evening of the 4th of July. 

This past week has been a blast. We have done some training with the recently arrived missionaries.  We went on splits.  I was here in Oslo for that.  And we ate some really good Phillipino food and worked at a food bank.  Surprisingly, working at the food bank in 3 hours helps us talk to more people about the Gospel than stopping people on the street all week.  So many miracles in service and putting ourselves out there. 

I have been terrible with writing group emails but I hope from a couple of them, you can read and see how amazing it is to be a missionary.  It is a ton of work but it has changed my life.  I will forever be grateful to be able to serve here in Norway.  I know that God loves us. That Jesus Christ lives.  I know that Joseph Smith did see God and Christ when he prayed.  And I know that by reading in the Book of Mormon and praying that we will get answers to our prayers.  It is always worth trying.  

Da sees vi

Med Vennlig Hilsen

Eldste Egan

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

June 4, 2019

Hi Family,

This past week has been great. I went on splits in Fredrikstad and saw some of the members. They really know how to treat you like family. We played basketball with about 12 guys around my age. Let's just say basketball is an American sport and we gained a lot of respect.

We had a dinner with a member from the Philippines on Friday. He by far makes some of the best food I have ever had. It's so good but he doesn't use any recipes so when I ask he says he just makes it.  

I am currently on a boat in the middle of Tau and Stavanger. The view is amazing and Priekestolen was way fun. It was super funny to be able to pin point who members where on the hike just by the way the FAMILY looked. But it was also a little funny because my companion and I both didn't shave this morning because we woke up so early so we looked like we had been camping. 

I will fly back to Oslo tomorrow night. Only 6 more flights until I am home. 

I have figured out some good places to eat hopefully for when we come back. 

Love you

Elder Egan

June 25, 2019

Hey, This will be my last group email of my mission.  Crazy how fast time is going. I will return the evening of the 4th of July.  T...